Multi-talented renowned songwriter, worship leader, composer, vocal powerhouse, recording artist, and broadcaster Oluwatoosin Herald releases her 3rd album titled “Bolanle”. The Christ Gospel Radio reached out to Oluwatoosin to find out more about her music, inspiration, broadcasting journey & many more
TCGR: For those not acquainted with you, could you share some information about yourself?
OH: Oluwatoosin Herald is my name, and I’m from Ondo, which is in the state of Ondo. My secondary education was completed in Ondo State after I completed my primary school in both Lagos and Ondo State. I later continued my higher education at the University of Ado Ekiti, which is now known as Ekiti State University, where I bagged a 2:1 degree in international studies and history.
In 2016, I transitioned into a professional singing career and fully embraced the music ministry. My initial move in this direction involved recording my debut album, “Jesu Yi,” which consisted of eight tracks and was ultimately released in May 2018. I have been singing since my childhood, actively participating in the children’s choir at the church, and even serving as a choir leader in both church and secondary school. Subsequently, I launched my second album, “Possibility,” in July 2022, and my most recent release, “Bolanle,” came out in September of this year. I am currently married and blessed with a child.
TCGR: You’ve been in the choir and even served as Choir Leader. Could you please tell us about your path to salvation? Tell us about how you got saved.
OH: My salvation journey is still a mystery to me. I feel that I am one of the lucky individuals included in God’s eternal plan of redemption. My affinity for the church grew spontaneously from my childhood, and I immediately accepted the teachings about heaven and salvation without any external pressure. My mother once told me a story about how, when I was a baby, a seer told her that I should always be near the church. Around the ages of 8 to 9, I fully embraced Jesus Christ as Lord, a devotion that has lasted to this day. Despite a period of deviance during my adolescence owing to young excitement, God’s mercy sustained me.
TCGR: How do you keep growing in your relationship with Jesus Christ now that you’ve been born again?
OH: Engaging in daily communion with God is crucial for me. I hold a strong belief in the existence of God and the teachings of Jesus Christ. This conviction has led me to cultivate a close and friendly relationship with Him, to the point where I am certain and confident that He resides within me. This deep conviction significantly facilitates my journey of faith.
TCGR: How do you successfully blend your music ministry, responsibilities as a spouse and parent, and your career in broadcasting all at once?
OH: Grace took care of everything for me. These four responsibilities coexist without producing any difficulties. It’s as if I have different personalities for each role. In my early years as a mother, I focused mainly with being a teacher, rather than ministering or broadcasting. I only took on the responsibilities of a minister and broadcaster when my child was old enough to manage on her own with a little supervision. My husband and I live in different countries, so it’s mostly just my child and myself in my job as a wife. I avoid accepting invitations that require me to travel during school vacations, reserving that time solely for my child.
TGCR: What got you into gospel music ministry, knowing fully well you could make more money being a secular singe
OH: I have never thought of being a secular singer. I have never for once in my life had a passion for professional singing, I don’t even think that singing is my talent, it is a person who is talented that can venture into anyhow music. Even if I do secular music I wouldn’t sustain it because I don’t know what to write as lyrics unless I get a songwriter while I, maybe compose. The gospel music is a ministry calling for me. Have you noticed that I don’t refer to myself as a singer? I am a minister because I was called, the calling was clearly stated for me, I had a terrific encounter with God and the warning that came with it made me afraid to the extent that I had to obey.
TCGR: what are the challenges for a gospel minister especially an independent gospel minister?

OH: The main challenge is doing it all on your own: writing songs, scheduling and financing recording sessions, handling marketing, and paying for public relations. Thus, managing all of these obligations by yourself is the main issue.
TCGR: Who is your role model in the music industry? Who do you look up to as a source of inspiration?
OH: I do not look up to any human being as a source of inspiration. My only source of inspiration is the Holy Spirit. By the grace of Christ, I have about 24 recorded singles and several others yet to be recorded (in fact, my 2024 album is written already) and only the Spirit of God has been inspiring me. I have a few role models in the ministry whose names I won’t mention here, for personal reasons. I can’t go two days without listening to the song of a particular one of them.
TCGR: who are you most likely to collaborate with?
OH: I look forward to collaborating with Pastor Don Moen, my Prophet Tope Alabi, Minister Moses Bliss and Minister Psalmos.
TCGR: Would you say these gospel ministers are your role model?
OH: You want to put the word right into my mouth. Collaboration is different from the Model. But to put it straight, Minister Tope Alabi can do no wrong in my eyes. I believe strongly in the authority she uses. I have been opportune to be under her impartation service and I knew what I felt there.
TCGR: Let’s talk about “Bolanle” – could you share the meaning behind this name and the reasons for choosing it as the title for your album? Additionally, how can our listeners access your album in digital format, and where is it available?
OH: Bolanle signifies “Receiving wealth as a legacy.” The album title specifically refers to certain Christian figures frantically searching for life’s purpose, unaware that our Heavenly Father has already provided for our needs. I successfully conveyed the essence of Matthew 6:33 in authentic Yoruba language.
I urge my listeners to find Oluwatoosin Herald on various music platforms online. You can find my videos on my YouTube channel under the same name. If you enjoy reels, stories, and TikTok content, my songs are also accessible to you. Additionally, I have three albums that you can download and stream; Jesu Yi – has 8 tracks, Possibility – has 7 tracks, and Bolanle – has 6 tracks.

TCGR: What is the best advice you’ve been given as a gospel minister?
OH: The best advice I was given was:
- Remaining true to my aspirations and disregarding invitations to church or concerts, as steadfastness will eventually ensure that my voice is heard, even if it takes time
- My album serves as my validation as a genuinely ordained gospel minister. I am accountable in the kingdom of heaven, so I must strive to produce albums, even if it means sacrificing my allowance for sustenance..
- God has blessed me with the ability to write songs, and I have to make the most of it. I should put more effort into sharing the light of Christ via my music than I should into trying to gain massive popularity.
Mr. Gbemi Davies unlocked my mind and implanted those words within it. I’ll always remember the day I unexpectedly encountered him at a specific studio in Ikeja. On that day, I had only intended to be at the studio to pass the time.
TCGR: What was your best and worst performance as an artist?

OH: My best performance was at Christ Communion Church in Port Harcourt. I’m still not sure how the pastor found me, and it was during my exhausting days that I had no idea who was hearing my singing. It was the first time I was paid to sing, lodged in a nice flat, and treated like a queen in a strange nation.
My most challenging experience occurred during a performance on a mountain in Ondo State. I was allotted 5 minutes to sing, but instead, I found myself in tears, sharing my sadness with the congregation. Rather than receiving blessings, they ended up organizing a sympathetic gathering for me. On that particular day, I intended to pray, but someone familiar with me informed the pastor that I was a music minister. They insisted on giving me the microphone, and with the original intention of seeking solace by sharing my struggles with someone, I ended up tearfully pouring my heart out on the altar.
I urge my listeners to find Oluwatoosin Herald on various music platforms online. You can find my videos on my YouTube channel under the same name. If you enjoy reels, stories, and TikTok content, my songs are also accessible to you. Additionally, I have three albums that you can download and stream; Jesu Yi – has 8 tracks, Possibility – has 7 tracks, and Bolanle – has 6 tracks.
TCGR: What would you say is your greatest weakness as a gospel minister?
OH: my emotions are getting into me. I want to please everyone and it’s impossible. I’m working on it though.
TCGR: What advice do you have for the upcoming gospel singers or music ministers?
OH: My advice for upcoming singers or ministers
- Do not rush into marriage, you might marry the enemy of your glory. If so, a lot of things would be wrong with your future.
- Do not rush into condemning people. You might find yourself in the same situation tomorrow.
- Know Your God as your God and not the God of anyone else.
- Get a job aside from singing unless you want to become a slave and beggar.
- Have self-discipline, self-esteem, self-respect, and self-control. These four are different from pride, don’t mix them. It is so easy for us to slip into adultery, it takes the grace of God and self-control.
- Not everyone is your spiritual father or mother. Know your spiritual parents and be ready to serve. Service will yield you good fruits.
- See yourself as a beautiful or handsome minister, you will not easily hate others for no reason if you possess this attitude.
TCGR: If you could change anything about the gospel music industry, what would it be, and why?
OH: I would strive to ensure that the Nigerian government acknowledges every recording artist possessing genuine talents, providing them with monthly compensation for financial stability. Additionally, I would work towards cleansing the industry of the widespread practice where individuals without proper qualifications set up cameras and commence covering the hard work of others.
TCGR: What can we anticipate from you musically in the near future?
OH: The future belongs to God Almighty. However, as the Lord gives me grace, I will remain committed to the vision.
READ Oluwatoosin Herald To Release New Album ‘Bolanle’
TCGR: Do you mean another album is loading?
OH: By God’s grace, yes. I am fervently praying for the necessary resources, both financial and in terms of human capacity, to enable me to release my albums annually. Success in this endeavor hinges on securing adequate funds, having supportive destiny helpers, engaging effective promoters and sponsors. Additionally, the collaboration of skilled producers and engineers is crucial to accurately interpret the songs as intended. For example, my album “Bolanle” encountered some challenges that I did not appreciate, but with proficient interpreters, I am confident in the quality of my work. Although I acknowledge that I am not yet at my desired destination, I am on the right path. While the realization of my vision may take time, I am committed to waiting for it, as encouraged in Habakkuk 2:3.
TCGR: You’re stuck on an island, it’s hot, and you only have enough battery life left to listen to one song on your phone. What track would it be?
OH: Gosh…. this is a dicey situation. I would listen to I SURRENDER the 6th track on my first album. The song is my story, just like Gbemileke in my Bolanle Album.
TCGR: It’s been a pleasure engaging in this conversation with you. Before I conclude, I’d like to inquire about the reason people refer to you as Mummy G.O.
OH: It’s a long story behind. Should I let it out now or we keep it till another time?
TCGR: I like suspense, let’s keep it until we have a studio chat. Is that a yes then?
OH: Okay then
TCGR: Thank you for your time, God bless your ministry.
OH: Thank you so much for the honor, the Lord bless you abundantly too, and your company.
TCGR: Thank you for your time we look forward to having you live on air anytime soon.