Yolanda Reece debuted her single last year 2022, and since then she has released other singles. The Christ Gospel Radio reached out to Yolanda to find out more about her music, inspiration, and many more

The Christ Gospel Radio: For those who haven’t heard of you before, can you tell us a bit about yourself, how you got saved, and how you got involved in making music?

Yolanda Reece: Well I got saved when I was 14 years old. Having been invited to church   by a fellow volleyball player. I cannot say that the process was immediate but it was a process over a couple of months. My involvement in music came as a result of going into full-time ministry, having no prior involvement apart from music classes in school which I dropped out of. I was heavily influenced by many prophetic words and support for My leadership team to go into the musical path. Prior to that, I was a national volleyball player who graciously gave up a full-time scholarship for the call of God that was upon my life.

The Christ Gospel Radio: you got saved when you were a teenager, please talk us through the experience.

Yolanda Reece: Oh wow… well I grew up in church for all my life, but as we know not because you are in the church means you’re saved, So when I was about 14 years old playing volleyball for our local club I met a lady who was very Christian and she never asked to accept Jesus she only invited me to church. Going to church was my escape from being home and also an escape from the very traditional church services I used to attend, after a period of time attending church with her, I felt the Lord telling me to be baptized Which I followed through with and from then I’ve been in service to God and the church on the whole.

The Christ Gospel Radio: What is a full-time ministry like, on a day-to-day basic?

Yolanda Reece: The ministry that I serve is a Revival Center, School of Prophecy and Prophetic Counselling where we train people who are interested in ministry stirring up the Gifts of the spirit and other in-depth revelations making them effective in their service of the Lord. Classes run from Tuesday thru Sunday. I serve on staff at the Ministry as one of the Leaders, which includes a teacher and Office Administrator. Our prayer rooms serve the needs of individuals both locally and internationally. We have services on Tuesday and Friday nights and also two services on a Sunday.

The Christ Gospel Radio: What is the name of your prophetic school?INTERVIEW: YOLANDA REECE

Yolanda Reece: Heavenly Lights Ministry

The Christ Gospel Radio: and what is the website, or Facebook Page?

Yolanda Reece: Heavenlylightsmin.org,  Heavenly Lights Ministry on facebook

The Christ Gospel Radio: Tell us about your upcoming single ‘ Overflow’ and what the inspiration behind it.

Yolanda Reece: It got this song as a birthday gift from the Lord in December 2021.  It’s an expression of the Joy and the peace that God what to encapsulate His children with and it has been a total delight to get it to the place where it was ready for release. I believe that sometimes as the Church we don’t emphasize enough the fullness of Joy that Jesus wants us to live in. So, I’m hoping that this song will trigger faith in the hears to agree with me that God has filled us with a manifested outpouring of that Joy and Peace

The Christ Gospel Radio: Do you have any plans to release more music in the near future?

Yolanda Reece: Yes, I absolutely do! not only intentions but projects are in the making.

The Christ Gospel Radio: Which famous musicians do you admire?

Yolanda Reece: I have a couple but in choosing one it will have to be Darlene Zchech

The Christ Gospel Radio: What message would you like people to take from your music?

Yolanda Reece: I would love people to Experience the fullness of God in their everyday lives. To know that God laughs in heaven and shows his love and grace on the earth.

The Christ Gospel Radio: How would you describe your style of music and what are your influences?

Yolanda Reece: Oh, wow I’ll have to say the style of music will fall and groovy gospel and gospel soca. My influence is cultural and I have no specific person

The Christ Gospel Radio: Out of all your songs, what is your favourite to perform

Yolanda Reece: I would have to say Overflow. That is the song to be released on 07.04.2023

The Christ Gospel Radio: Which famous musicians do you admire?

Yolanda Reece: I don’t have any, but I love all instruments like love all instruments. Everybody brings something different when they play and I love to listen to

The Christ Gospel Radio: Do you play any musical instruments?

Yolanda Reece: I can play the keyboard, the acoustic guitar and the bass guitar just enough to worship.

The Christ Gospel Radio: How would you define success in your career as an artist?

Yolanda Reece: Success to me will be hearing someone testify that they were blessed, encouraged, and changed. That their perception of God has been changed by the songs that they would have listened to…

The Christ Gospel Radio: What is one message you would give to your fans?

Yolanda Reece: God is bigger and more real than what you are facing. If we would focus on Him, He’ll either change the situation or your perspective and you’ll experience Heaven here on Earth

The Christ Gospel Radio: How can your fans reach you?

Yolanda Reece:  Yolanda Reece | Facebook @till_toned_music • Instagram
@YolandaReece37 / Twitter,  Yolanda Reece – YouTube and http://@till_toned_Music /tictok

The Christ Gospel Radio: What should we expect from you in the nearest future music-wise?

Yolanda Reece: Well currently I’ve done a collaboration with a US based gospel hip hop minister name Eric Cohen. We’ve released one single thus far and more are in the workings. Plus, there is more original stuff lined up to release hopefully sooner than later.

The Christ Gospel Radio: Thank you, Yolanda, for your time we look forward to having you live on air anytime soon, and good luck with your upcoming single tagged Overflow

Yolanda Reece: Thank you so much

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