Michem returns with the release of a brand new single titled “You Alone” a true confession of how God alone can help anyone in helpless situation, been it self inflicted or otherwise,

Speaking about the song “You Alone” he quoted…

“YOU will come first in my Life,
Your will I live to obey
Your desires I hope to carry out
This is my earnest heart cry.
The grace to look for and find You
The honour of living for You
To sit at Your feet is all I want
This is my Heart cry dear Lord.”

Coming from this point of full conviction. Full assurance of who I was and what I wanted, to a point where I wasn’t sure I knew what was right from what was wrong, where I couldn’t differentiate what I wanted from what I needed. It was difficult. It wasn’t just a test of my faith, it was a test of my person. The lock-down provided so much free time, the silence was deafening. All of a sudden I began questioning the very foundation of my belief system, my values, and everything. I was lost, I was confused, I was down and battered.

Worse part was I didn’t feel like I could talk to anyone about it. I felt like I had gotten to a certain level of growth that I shouldn’t be struggling with certain things. How wrong I was. The more I tried to pull myself out I kept falling right back in. I know something wasn’t right and I tried to fix myself, believe me I tried.

Things kept spiralling down till I got to that point that I knew that I had to confess my helplessness to God and that saved my life. I told him to take it all away. The mess I called my life. I needed something new. I knew He could see it, could feel it all and He knew it all and so even when I had no words I knew He could hear me.
He did.
So here’s my testimony.

Produced by Klasiq

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