Vincent Possible Alagbu a renowned gospel artist follows up his just released Omeluora Album with yet another mind blowing spirit filled song which He performed live on stage with his fast rising team Possible Vincent and Dynamics based in the South Eastern part of Nigeria.
He also featured a well known worshiper that has captured the hearts of many with songs like “Onye Inye Akam”, Oji Oku Eri Ajah” and many more by name Promise Miracle the wife of Mr M And Revelation in this song “Nanigi Kam Nga-Efe”(My Allegiance).
The Song talks about total Surrender, Submission and Allegiance to the Supreme Mercy of God.
The Song goes dipper and dipper to talk about the benefits in total Surrender to God.
Connect with Vincent Possible Alagbu
Possible Vincent and Dynamic Crew | Facebook
@possible_vincent_alagbu_ | Instagram
Vincent Possible Alagbu – YouTube
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